New America Initiative Presents
An Abrahamic Alliance
Saturday, November 4, 2023 – 7:00 PM
First Christian Church
41481 W. Morgan Avenue, Pennington Gap, Virginia
For more information call: (423) 534-1317

Victor G. Jessop President/Co-founder of NAI

Victor G. Jessop
President/Co-founder of NAI

Thomas Cromwell, Author & Co-founder of NAI

Thomas Cromwell
Author & Co-founder of NAI

Executive Director of Rumi Forum

Victor G. Jessop
President/Co-founder of NAI

An activist for Uyghur causes . . and religious freedom and ….. …. Director of Corporate Social …. Responsibility at Cydeo

An activist for Uyghur causes and religious freedom and
Director of Corporate Social Responsibility at Cydeo 

There will be a question and answer time after the speaker’s presentations. There will be a free will offering taken to help cover the cost of the program.

Speaker Biographies

Victor G. JessopVictor is co-founder and president of the New America Initiative. Originally from Australia, he has long been an advocate for principled government based on moral values. As such he has always opposed Marxist and other Leftist ideologies.  His advocacy work has included a decade at the United Nations HQ in New York on behalf of private organizations championing democracy, religious freedom, human rights and free market economies.

His business activities have taken him throughout Asia, Europe and West Africa. He graduated from Teachers College in Australia, later studied at Fordham University in New York and completed his Masters in International Relations at the Research School of the Asia-Pacific at the Australian National University in Canberra.

Thomas Cromwell – is co-founder of New America Initiative and is an expert in political and international affairs. His career has spanned journalism, publishing, and international business. He has lived and worked in North America, Europe, the Middle East and Africa. He is currently heading up a group establishing an international publication specialized in international relations and business.

His book The Triumph of Good: Divine Providence, The Cain-Abel Paradigm, And the End of Marxism reflects his international experience and knowledge of historical movements, and which addresses the current dangers posed by Marxist regimes and movements, as well as the infiltration into society of leftist ideologies that are destroying our civilization:  His most recent book published this year Why Ukraine Must Win” is currently being translated and published in Europe.

Ibrahim A. Anli – currently serves as the executive director of Rumi Forum in Washington DC. Ibrahim Anli was a visiting researcher at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 2007-08. He joined the Journalists and Writers Foundation’s (JWF) Ankara office as the diplomacy coordinator in 2010. Ibrahim became the secretary general of Abant Platform, JWF’s Istanbul based forum of intellectuals, in 2013. He was a lecturer and acting chair at the department of International Relations and Diplomacy at Tishk International University in Erbil, Kurdistan in 2016-17.  He holds a BA in Economics from Istanbul University, an MA in Conflict Analysis and Resolution from Sabanci University, and a certificate in Strategic Management for Leaders of NGOs from Harvard University.  Ibrahim immigrated to the United States due to political persecution in his county.

Tezcan Inanlar – is an activist for Uyghur causes and religious freedom and is the  Director of Corporate Social Responsibility at Cydeo in McLean, VA. He holds an M.A. degree in Islamic Studies and Leadership from Bayan Claremont Islamic Graduate School. He co-founded Where Is My Family, a nonprofit organization advocating Uyghur human rights. Prior to his current role, he was the director of the Pacifica Institute in Seattle and SoCal O.C. Branch, where he extensively worked on interfaith dialog and intercultural understanding. He also has an MS degree in Engineering from Clemson University. He served on the advisory board for the Uyghur American Association, a fellow at Shalom Hartman Institute and the American Muslim Civic Leadership Institute.  He is an alumnus of the FBI Citizens Academy. He also served on the advisory board for the Seattle University School of Theology & Ministry and on the board of F.I.R.E. (Fostering Interfaith Relations in the Eastside), an interfaith alliance in Seattle.  Tezcan immigrated to the United States due to political persecution in his county.


America was founded by a group of visionaries who believed that they were guided by Divine Providence to create a nation that looked to God for guidance and for the rights of its citizens. Their vision was of an America that shone a light of freedom and goodness on her own people, but also served as a shining city on a hill for the rest of the world. In 1980, Ronald Reagan described that city as what Washington should be:

“These visitors to that city on the Potomac do not come as white or black, red or yellow; they are not Jews or Christians; conservatives or liberals; or Democrats or Republicans. They are Americans awed by what has gone before, proud of what for them is still… a shining city on a hill.”

This noble America requires a moral citizenry, as John Adams warned in 1798: “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

Today, America is rapidly losing its moral standing in the world. Atheistic Marxist and Neo-Marxist ideologies have gnawed away at America’s spiritual foundations, and the light on the hill is at risk of being extinguished. Meanwhile, false gods and idols of celebrity, wealth and popularity are worshipped in place of the Divine, and amidst this leadership vacuum, external dangers loom as evil empires in Russia and China seek to dominate the world on their terms, crushing liberty and enslaving peoples and nations.

As Reagan intimated, the providence for America embraces every single American. It is the one transcendent purpose that can unify all Americans of good will and enable America to fulfill its true destiny in the world. Providence calls us to set aside our many differences and pool our resources in the common fight to save America and make her once more a beacon to the world.